CNC Router Tips Podcast Episode 67 Season 2: CNCRT67S2
New G-Code shortcuts that could save you time and improve your workflow. In this episode of the CNC Router Tips Podcast Bill Griggs shares the many new software tools and developments that could change the CNC Game for good.
Recent advances in computer hardware and software are having a rapid impact on how people use their CNC machines. Newer more advance Stepper and servo motors have made the machines more accurate and dependable. While changes in software have made the machines easier to operate.
No software advance has been as rapid as the introduction of AI artificial Intelligence to generate G-Code. Bill discusses his brief experience with AI generated G-Code and what it could mean to you.
If you would like more information about CNC Router tables you might enjoy joining the #CNC Router Tips Facebook group. This group has over 20,000 active members who share what they know about CNC Router tables and how to use them. If you would like to check out the group, join us at https://www.facebook.com/groups/cncroutertips
Sample of AI Generated G-Code Query
Prompt: write g-code to move a 1/4" bit from the starting point at x0,y0,z1.0 to a relative position +2" in the X direction and +1" in the Y direction. Plunge the bit down to -.25", and climb cut a two inch square. Retract the tool bit to a safe distance and return to the starting point.
Assuming that the machine is already set up and the workpiece is properly clamped, here is the G-code to move the 1/4" bit from the starting point at x0,y0,z1.0 to a relative position +2" in the X direction and +1" in the Y direction, plunge the bit down to -.25", climb cut a two-inch square, retract the tool bit to a safe distance and return to the starting point.
G90 ; Absolute positioning
G20 ; Units in inches
G0 X2 Y1 Z1.0 ; Move to the starting point at x0,y0,z1.0 to a relative position +2" in the X direction and +1" in the Y direction
G1 Z-0.25 F5 ; Plunge the bit down to -.25" at a feedrate of 5 inches per minute
G1 X2.5 Y1.5 F10 ; Climb cut a two-inch square at a feedrate of 10 inches per minute
G1 X2 Y1 Z1.0 F5 ; Retract the tool bit to a safe distance and return to the starting point
Please note that the feedrates and tool speeds specified in this code are just examples and may need to be adjusted based on the specific characteristics of the machine and the material being cut.
Bill Griggs contact info:
Twitter: @BillGriggs
Website: http://www.cncroutertips.com
SHOW NOTES: http://www.cncroutertips.com/67s2

Disclosure: Please note that some of the links below are affiliate links, and at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you decide to make a purchase. Please understand that I have experience with all of these companies, books, tools and I recommend them because they are helpful and useful, not because of the small commissions I make if you decide to buy something. Please do not spend any money on these products unless you feel you need them or that they will help you achieve your goals.
The Makers Guide http://themakersguide.com
ChatGPT https://chat.openai.com/chat
Open AI: https://openai.com/
Shopbot: https://www.shopbottools.com/
#CNC Router Tips https://www.facebook.com/groups/cncroutertips/
Mach3 Software http://www.themakersguide.com/home/products/mach3
CNC Starter Bit set http://cncroutertips.com/bits
VCarve Demo Video http://cncroutertips.com/demo
VCarve Software http://themakersguide.com/vcarve8
Triple Edge Finder http://themakersguide.com
Maker Masters http://makermasters.com
Resources http://cncroutertips.com/resources
Youtube https://www.youtube.com/c/BillGriggs/featured
Bill Griggs contact info:
Twitter: @BillGriggs
Website: http://www.cncroutertips.com
SHOW NOTES: http://www.cncroutertips.com/s2e1
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