Leasing CNC Equipment To Grow Your Business With Lucy Burke
Growing Your CNC Business.
Leasing CNC Equipment To Grow Your Business With Lucy Burke.
CNCRT: 48 Leasing CNC Equipment To Grow Your Business With Lucy BurkeLeasing CNC Equipment To Grow Your Business is a valid strategy for financing. We chat with Lucy Burke of North Star Leasing about using Leasing as an option to grow your business.
Leasing can have many advantages and a few challenges. we discuss all that and more.
This episode is part of a series that discusses some of the key systems you need to set in place before you start a small business.
Bill Griggs contact info:
Twitter: @BillGriggs
Website: http://cncroutertips.com
SHOW NOTES: http://cncroutertips.com/48

North Star Leasing http://northstarleasing.com
Father Ed's https://www.gofundme.com/fr-eds-cnc-repair-replacement
Tormach http://tormach.com
The Makers Guide http://themakersguide.com
#CNC Router Tips https://www.facebook.com/groups/cncroutertips/
Mach3 Software http://www.themakersguide.com/home/products/mach3
CNC Starter Bit set http://cncroutertips.com/bits
VCarve Demo Video http://cncroutertips.com/demo
VCarve Software http://themakersguide.com/vcarve8
Triple Edge Finder http://themakersguide.com
Maker Masters http://makermasters.com
Resources http://cncroutertips.com/resources
Haas Automation http://haascnc.com
Blade Show http://www.bladeshow.com/
Getting Things Done http://amzn.to/2n4wnNI
Haas Automation http://haascnc.com
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