What Would Henry Do?
Words Of Wisdom From Henry Ford.
CNC Router Tips Podcast Episode 42
What Would Henry Do? Words OF Wisdom From Henry Ford.
What would Henry Do? I ask myself this question whenever I have a tough decision to make. If you have ever struggled with the decision to buy a CNC Router or other machines this episode may help you. We examine what risks and advantages are when purchasing new equipment. We also talk about the opportunity cost of not making a decision when you have to.
Bill Griggs contact info:
Twitter: @BillGriggs
Website: http://cncroutertips.com
SHOW NOTES: http://cncroutertips.com/42

Websites Mentioned
Smart Passive Income http://smartpassive income.com
Henry Ford Museum http://thehenryford.org
CNC Starter Bit set http://cncroutertips.com/bits
Podcast By Friday http://podcastbyfriday.com
Spreaker http://spreaker.com
Maker Masters http://makermasters.com
The Makers Guide http://themakersguide.com
#CNC Router Tips https://www.facebook.com/groups/cncroutertips/
CNC Milling Machine blog http://makermasters.com/how-to-make-your-own-cnc-milling-machine
Mach3 Software http://www.themakersguide.com/home/products/mach3
CNC Starter Bit set http://cncroutertips.com/bits
VCarve Demo Video http://cncroutertips.com/demo
VCarve Software http://themakersguide.com/vcarve8
Triple Edge Finder http://themakersguide.com
Resources http://cncroutertips.com/resources
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