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41,360 Free Book Promotions to date!
Create Great Looking Amazon Kindle Descriptions in Seconds
Who wants to create Amazon HTML Descriptions for their Kindle Books?

The Amazon HTML Better Book Description Tool is an editing tool that allows KDP Authors to easily create great looking Amazon product descriptions with a few clicks of the button. If you have been involved in Kindle publishing, then you’ve likely heard about using Amazon HTML codes in your product descriptions. Properly formatting your book description with the Amazon HTML is a pain to write as well as
read. You’re a writer, not a web programmer! This tool makes it easy for writers to generate great looking product descriptions that help convert more sales.
Use KDP Bookshelf or CreateSpace to Edit Your Book Descriptions
The tool generates the correct code if you are using either the KDP Bookshelf editor or the CreateSpace editor.
Submit your free KDP Promotion to Many sites with just one click!
The Free Book Site Submission Tool
We’re proud of this tool as it makes managing a Kindle Free Book promotion even easier. A popular tactic is to promote your Kindle book for free on Amazon and on various free book sites. It can take a few hours clicking through every free book site and filling out their submission form. With Free Book Site Submission Tool, you can submit to 16 different sites with one click!

Customer Comments
Andy- I was able to place a picture on my kindle book description ( Bitter Revenge ) through KDP using your system. The final result is awesome, better than I had hoped for! Your assistance was priceless!!!! Thanks so much
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